Breivik was greatly disturbed by the atrocities committed against the white people of South-Africa by the ANC black government. Could the following have played a great role in his motivations? In my opinion it certainly did.
How Norwegian and other Nordic youth activists started and funded the Armed insurrection in South-Africa
The Norwegian youth activists and the South-African liberation “struggle”
There is no other western country – apart from Sweden- which has such a close relationship with the ANC and struggle figures involved in the struggle for liberation than Norway. From 1960 to 1975 the Norwegian anti-apartheid movement emerged and focused heavily on South-Africa. In the fifties there were no prominent Norwegian figures involved in dissecting the apartheid system and campaigning for the promotion of human rights for the Africans. These issues were raised for the first time in 1946 since Norway together with the other Nordic countries agreed to put the South-Africa issue on the United Nations agenda. South-Africa itself argued that the UN had no right to intervene in its internal matters. Norway voted in favour of a resolution stating that the treatment of the Indian minority was not consistent with the UN Charter. Norway also argued in 1952 that SA’s racial policies were in violation of the UN Charter and thus fell within the competence of the UN General Assembly. The fact that the United States also sided against SA made it easier for Norway.
There is no other western country – apart from Sweden- which has such a close relationship with the ANC and struggle figures involved in the struggle for liberation than Norway. From 1960 to 1975 the Norwegian anti-apartheid movement emerged and focused heavily on South-Africa. In the fifties there were no prominent Norwegian figures involved in dissecting the apartheid system and campaigning for the promotion of human rights for the Africans. These issues were raised for the first time in 1946 since Norway together with the other Nordic countries agreed to put the South-Africa issue on the United Nations agenda. South-Africa itself argued that the UN had no right to intervene in its internal matters. Norway voted in favour of a resolution stating that the treatment of the Indian minority was not consistent with the UN Charter. Norway also argued in 1952 that SA’s racial policies were in violation of the UN Charter and thus fell within the competence of the UN General Assembly. The fact that the United States also sided against SA made it easier for Norway.
At the end of the fifties more attention was being paid to South-Africa with the launching of a Norwegian South-Africa Committee and the awarding of a Nobel Peace Prize to Albert Luthuli a black political activist, and the convening of an Afro-Scandinavian Youth Congress in Oslo. As well as the first consumer boycott of South-African goods, initiated by the trade unions and the major youth organisations .
These events compelled the Norwegian govt to become more activist. In 1953 the Norwegian National Union of Students decided to include African students in exchange programs with three months scholarships. This move was rightly seen as an act of protest against the apartheid government. The International Student Conference also urged other countries to follow the Norwegian example. In 1959 the scholarship system was extended from three months to three years.
The first student was from Namibia which was then a protectorate of South-Africa, he was an anti-South-African activist and founded the SWAPO organisation, a political organisation which fought the liberation struggle against the South-African government on behalf of the Africans in Namibia. He was however arrested for his subversive activities before he could leave for Norway as he intended to appear before a UN committee as a witness against the South-African government concerning the Namibian liberation issue. He left South-Africa illegally and gave testimony to the UN South West Africa Committee and the student meeting a resolution condemning the apartheid regime was adopted.
After the ANC was made an illegal organization by the South-African government 34 members of the Swedish government on the advice of the communist Swedish pastor Gunnar Helander* voted to give Albert Luthuli the Nobel peace prize. Albert Luthuli was a Zulu chief who had to surrender his chieftaincy when he became president of the ANC. He was involved in boycotts, civil disobedience, campaigns and strikes. This was shortly before the ANC turned to violence. South-Africa was compared with Nazi Germany by the supporters of Luthuli in Norway and Sweden. Norway was by this time considering oil sanctions against South-Africa on behalf of the ANC.
The news of Luthuli receiving the Nobel was well received in western Europe and John F. Kennedy sent his congratulations. South-Africa was urged to allow Luthuli to travel to Norway to receive the prize in Oslo. South-Africa blamed Norway and Sweden for creating internal strife and not the peace they were professing to be advocating in South-Africa.
During his stay in Oslo the church and the trade union movement as well as youth organizations all held a well attended torch parade in his honor. He also addressed a service in an Oslo cathedral encouraging the people assembled to continue their fight against apartheid. Gunnar Jahn the chairperson of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee said Luthuli was a fearless and incorruptible leader. When Luthuli announced the use of limited violence (terrorism) both Sweden and Norway gave their support. When Luthuli was buried in 1967 both governments and the Nobel committee laid wreaths in their respective national colors.
The Afro-Scandinavian Youth Congress which was held in Oslo in 1962 focused on “racial oppression and the liberation struggle in Southern-Africa” African (black) students met with hundreds of Nordic students and many bonds of friendship between future political African leaders and future Nordic leaders were created and the importance of the congress was later empahsised by both sides.
Oliver Tambo at the time the deputy ANC leader told the participants that white South-Africa was “the core of the race problem of the entire world” and urged sanctions against apartheid. He also said “My problem in calling for pressures on South-Africa is to convince the youth to convince their governments and people that buying South-African goods they were buying the blood of black South-Africans, since they were buying the forced labor of black South-Africans. A lie since black South-Africans were free to leave South-Africa any time they desired to.
The decision to adopt the resolutions was adopted by these Nordic students with an overwhelming majority with only 11 abstentions. Thus the resolution of these student organisations was adopted in favour of supporting the struggle for black freedom, breaking off of diplomatic relations with South-Africa, asking the UN to organize world wide sanctions against South-Africa. They then went on to demand this from their governments in Finland, Sweden and Norway.
In another resolution they demanded the abolition of all oppressive laws, granting of democratic rights to Africans, and the release of ALL political prisoners. As well as unreserved material and moral support for the so-called liberation movements in South-Africa.
In 1963 Norway on the appeal of the UN decided to give support to organisations like Amensty International, the World Council of Churches, and importantly The Defence and Aid Fund later known as IDAF (International Defence and Aid Fund). The moneys collected by these funds were then ILLEGALLY channelled into South-Africa to the terrorist ANC lawyers to fund the legal defense of accused terrorists, among them Nelson Mandela. Thus the UN and Norway as well as Sweden undertook to fund a terrorist organizion in another country using illegal means to fund a bloody Marxist revolution. It is estimated that around a billion dollars were illegally sent to the ANC terrorists in this way to pay for their legal costs and of course much of that funding have found it’s way into arming and funding the terrorist struggle. Thus Christians and Nordic youth organizations were behind the Marxist revolution in South-Africa their work ensured that the limpet mines and land mines blowing up many a innocent white child was funded with Kroner from Norway.
*Gunnar Helander – a Marxist pastor who worked to further the goals of the ANC terrorist movement in South-Africa. He and his cohorts met with Buthelezi another African leader as well but deemed him a traitor since he was not interested in ARMED revolt against the South-African government.
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